Well there you are!

Glad you found me.... er........ wait a minute.....was I lost?
Well anyhow, I am glad you landed here. This site isn't much, just some stuph that either makes me happy or makes me want to vent. Please feel free to jump right in and tell me I'm off my rocker or that you agree with me...Great minds think alike...diverse minds converse. Whichever you are... you're more than welcome to comment one way or the other. Have fun and spread the word.......
"Stuff " really is spelled with a "ph" ....as in

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

2008 Phaeton is home again!

Well we finally picked up our Motorhome from the dealership's repair facility. Yes, there are still some things that just aren't right about it, that they didn't fix, but they are things we choose to fix ourselves. What we cannot fix, we will find another service facility to take it to.
This is one puppy that is not going to see the inside of that dealerships service department again.

I have posted some photos of it on Flickr if you're interested in viewing it in all its glory!
Yes, that is a joke folks!... only God has Glory!

Here is the Flickr URL: http://flickr.com/photos/azladyj

Will post photos of our shake down trip as soon as we're able to take it! Till then... I'm off to do some research on where we can go!!

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