We are imperfect people living in an imperfect world trying to get along
with other imperfect people living in this imperfect world.
with other imperfect people living in this imperfect world.
But imperfect as we are, as imperfect as our world is, there are a lot of things that we all know to be true.
Blaming each other for it isn't solving anything, and in most cases just makes it worse.
If our Country's "Mell of a Hess" is going to be fixed, it is up to each one of us, in our imperfect condition to take on invidual responsibility to fix it. We cannot depend on others to do it for us. We have to do it for ourselves. The fixing of this "Mell of a Hess"we are in has to start with changed hearts and changed minds....each of our own imperfect individual hearts and minds...
It is true that as individuals, we can't change anyone's heart and mind but our own....but we can and must lean on Almighty God and implore Him to change each one of us from the inside out.
Just think what would happen if everyone as individuals accepted these premises and acted upon them..... From the least of us to the most important of us. .....From the general populace to the President. If everyone took it upon themselves to commit to changing themselves with God's help, our imperfect world would soon be a little less imperfect and our "Mell of a Hess"would turn out to be not so much of a "Hess".
We know it is wrong to lie to or about each other... so stop it!
We know it is wrong to hate each other... so stop it!
We know it is wrong to murder each other ...so stop it!
We know it is wrong to steal from each other... so stop it!
We know it is wrong to impune anothers reputation... so stop it!
We know it is wrong to think of ourselves more highly than we ought to... so stop it!
We know it is wrong to practice envy... so stop it!
We know it is wrong to be immoral... so stop it!
Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was. His reply was truth then, and it is truth now. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might, and Love your neighbor as yourself". We can't do that perfectly, only He could, but we can surely start trying.
We may not know much, but we do know something. So let's put what we do know into action as imperfect individuals, and maybe... just maybe...it might catch on and we would be closer to fixing this "Mell of a Hess" that we are in.
Parting thought... regardless of how you lean politically, economically, and spiritually....
Our Country needs your prayers... our leaders need your prayers...
May God Bless us each and every one.